Wednesday, March 26, 2008

MLM Mentoring Why?

Have you ever wanted to make something work, you try and try spending monies but can't seem to do like the advertisers. You want to throw in the towel, but somewhere deep inside you fill determined, but also know that you need some direction and help.
I have been very fortunate to have connected with Mentoring For Free. "Where you learn HOW to think, not WHAT to think! By Michael Dlouhy.
Cindy, introduced me to mentoring for free and I must share that it was one of the best things that has ever happen to me. Cindy directed me to and said, fill out the form and submit, then start reading the FREE eBook, Success In Ten Steps, by Michael.
I have found more self determination, and self esteem and now have a desire and dreams. Anyone that will apply themselves can become successful. You define successful for yourself. May be money, or just fun and enjoying working for yourself. So go for it.

Mitch DeCanter "Touching Lives Through The Art Of Mentoring call me anytime 1-800-905-2071


Judith May said...

Hello Mitch,
Yes I have also read that ebook that changed my life too. You have begun your journey to Master how to be Successful in Network Marketing by getting that ebook. Apply what you hear and learn from the free mentoring and I look forward to watching you go to the Top!

Your Friend For Life!
Judith May

Mitch DeCanter said...

Yes, eBooks and mentoring ='s tools necessary for winning this game of working from home in network marketing.

Touching lives through the art of mentoring!

Mitch DeCanter -

Mitch DeCanter said...

Networking and marketing yourself. Success In 10 Steps, Home Business Warning: Don't Get Toasted Like a Pop-Tart! Where You Learn How to Think, Not What to Thimk Says Michael Dlouhy. Step #1, Bottom-Fishing For Heavy Hitters What do your past & Jimmy Hoffa Have in Common? They're both dead. Learning from Michael and Mentoring For Free Your Past it's dead, forget you business failures. Truth: People are people - not numbers. They have goals, dreams and desires. They are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and grandmothers, and grandfather's to someone that loves the. They are not a number, but real people. Every single one of them that was NOT people-&-relationshipdriven,
no matter how good its products or services, no matter
how well-managed, has either gone broke or struggled to keep
its head above water. Therefore #1, Bottom line? Get a good product or service to sell.
THEN focus on helping OTHER people reach their dreams.
THAT is your top priority. And yes, I know this is simple, but a major number 1 of the 10.

Mitch DeCanter said...

A couple of nights off camping, what did it do to me. Saturday April 12 we drove for about 4 hours to reach our camp site. We followed behind our friends of several years. Our friends took their dog, "Gitgit" a loving poodle loved my her masters. As we drove, I allowed myself to slip into a mental cleanse, that is I allowed all my business concerns to go to the background of my mind. For the first time in several weeks, I allowed myself to think about "me" and my life mate "Jan". We have traveled this life for 43 years together and have discovered that we are still in love, note "in" love meaning that we sincerelly care for each other with a love not often understood. I even allowed myself to think, what would my have been withou Jan? I cried (lucky Jan was sleeping) feeling the riches blessings of having a life time soul mate that seemingly is the only person that can understand and accept this complex mind! Wow! There I said it! I am free and can say things like this.

So, with a refreashed mind set, I am about marketing mentoring for free, because I want to give back to this world.